FORRADH, 154, sly work about food, cooking slyly (eating food on the sly?). If a person came into a house and saw a person at the fireside trying to hide what she was cooking he might ask Dé ’m forradh a th’agad a sin? [What are you slyly cooking there?] 


Tha Dwelly a’ toirt seachad forradh mar “gain, emolument; culling hastily; excrescence; shift”. Saoil am bheil ceangal aig culling hastily ris am mìneachadh aig Maighstir Ailein. Tha mi ‘n dòchas nach eil aig excrescence! 

Thathar ag ràdh gur math dh’fhaoidte gun do dh’éirich a’ chiall seo ás an fhacal farradh, a tha, a réir Dwelly, ‘na “Crop raised by a married farmservant for his own use. Strictly speaking, it means the tilling done by the wife, while the husband is attending to the gràithseach, the master’s crop. Occasionally a very active woman might get through more work than her less active husband, in which case, it would be said, is motha am farradh na a’ ghràithseach, the servant’s crop is bigger than the master’s.”



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